A look back at the 5 blogs that covered the biggest trends in clinical collaboration
Over the last year, clinical communication and collaboration solutions have garnered significant attention from healthcare organizations to streamline care coordination. Clinical collaboration posts were among our most popular blog posts in 2021. As we get ready for the new challenges that healthcare organizations are likely to face in 2022, taking a look back is a great way to recognize where we’re headed.
The Collaboration Platform Built for Healthcare
Here are the 5 most popular blogs our readers found valuable for improving communication and collaboration within healthcare.
Huntsville Hospital Back on Track Thanks to TigerConnect Physician Scheduling
By Justin Wampach, founder of Call Scheduler & VP of Scheduling Division
Huntsville Memorial Hospital of Huntsville, Texas treats 5,200 patients annually. As the hospital aimed to meet increasing demands due to rapid growth, Huntsville’s call scheduling system had not kept up with the surge of patients.
Their system often left the ED frantically piecing together processes and requests from a variety of departments, leading to the ER lacking critical specialists on call.
Let’s Talk About Clinical Interruptions and How We Can Help
By Julie S. Grenuk, RN, MS, RCC / Nurse Executive
On average, every nurse working within our nation’s hospitals is interrupted 10 times an hour. These clinical interruptions usually occur while nurses are engaged in patient interactions, monitoring activities, counseling, admitting/discharging, taking orders from MDs, starting IVs, prepping for procedures, rounding, etc. Although interruptions are a part of every caregiver’s job, they are, most definitely, contributing to medical errors.
Transforming and Optimizing the Nursing Environment at Decatur Morgan
By Julie S. Grenuk, RN, MS, RCC / Nurse Executive
Clinical interruptions, incessant unfiltered patient alarms and alerts, and extensive documentation – these are all things that inhibit nurses from providing the best patient care and can cause burnout. Unfortunately, these issues are the norm at most hospitals and healthcare systems. Decatur Morgan was no different, but they decided to do something about it. They assessed the situation, solicited feedback from clinical staff, worked on a plan, and took action to enable their nurses to do what they do best: care for their patients.
Can Implementing new healthcare collaboration tools improve patient care and reduce costs?
By Will O’Connor, MD, Chief Medical Information Officer
Can you imagine using a pager instead of a smartphone in your daily life? When was the last time you used a fax machine? Countless hospitals and healthcare systems use these types of antiquated tools to communicate. Sounds crazy, right? So, why is so much of the healthcare industry resistant to modernizing communications?
Introducing the TigerConnect Portfolio
By John Elms, Chief Product Officer
Imagine this scene – a nurse station is buzzing loudly in the Emergency Department. The on-call nurse is on hold with the operator to locate a cardiologist for her patient — multiple alarms ring, ding, and buzz from the station. After several minutes, the operator finds the right cardiologist and sends him a page. While the nurse waits for her page to be returned, she repeats this process for four other patients.
Final Thoughts
Clinical collaboration tools will continue to be at the forefront of healthcare in 2022. Healthcare organizations need to embrace modern communication tools in order to streamline care delivery and improve patient outcomes.
TigerConnect offers a robust platform of collaboration solutions that enhance patient care. Learn more by downloading the TigerConnect Solutions Guide.
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