Operating Room Workflows

Maximize operating room efficiency to improve patient throughput and resource orchestration using TigerConnect.

Operating Room Workflows

Streamline Surgical Communication to Maximize OR Productivity

  • Speed operating room turnover times
  • Increase revenue with more cases performed and reduced overtime costs
  • Improve overall patient satisfaction due to faster throughput and discharges

Operating Room Workflows Improved with TigerConnect

Systematizing operating room workflows increases efficiency and coordination, leading to improved outcomes for patients and care teams.

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Operating Room Transitions

Accelerate OR turnover times to increase capacity and gain revenue.

Simplify OR transitions by decreasing delays in patient perioperative movement, first case start times, and room turnover time using TigerConnect to collaborate with real-time messaging.

Intra-Op Request

Decrease care delays with automated role-based messaging.

Clinicians can reduce the time spent trying to reach surgeons in the OR for urgent situations with TigerConnect automatic responses and message forwarding.

Operating Room Workflow Analysis
Operating Room workflow software

Patient Reminders

Reduce no-shows and improve patient satisfaction with TigerConnect automatic patient reminders.

Communicate with patients about their upcoming surgery and request appointment confirmations.

Patient & Family Member Communication

Keep family members up to date on their loved ones. Communicate with patients on post op instructions.

Send automatic scheduling reminders to patients, finalize pre-appointment paperwork, etc.

patient communication

Healthcare’s Most Powerful Communication & Collaboration Solution

Built for the way you work.

friday 15 min demo increase your or capacity cta

Increase Your OR Capacity

Learn how to improve efficiency and reduce delays to boost revenue and increase capacity in the OR.

Why Consider TigerConnect?

More than 7,000 healthcare organizations trust TigerConnect.

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“Communication, particularly with TigerConnect, kept many of us safe and secure…It was really the way to talk to a large group of people that needed to know things minute to minute.”

Emergency Department Unit Clerk

Wayne Healthcare

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Additional Resources