
The True Cost of High Observation Rates: How Hospitals Lose Out on $5,950

See how hospitals can decrease observation rate, reduce observation hours, and minimize costs associated with incorrect status.

How To Use Real-time Messaging to Decrease Your Observation Rate

When deciding whether to admit a patient to observation or inpatient care, the emergency department (ED) provider needs to collaborate with the case manager to determine the correct status. But if the case manager is not stationed in the ED, the provider will often have to make admission decisions on their own – which can lead to incorrect patient status upon admission. Admitting a patient with an incorrect status can lead to lost revenue for hospitals through decreased reimbursement.

Communication gaps between the provider and case manager have repercussions for the patient, too. Delays in correcting a patient’s admission status can lead to higher medical bills and insurance denials.

See how real-time messaging with TigerConnect enables the ED provider and ED case manager to easily discuss the patient and determine appropriate status prior to admission, eliminating the need to course-correct after the patient is already in observation.

By enabling the ED provider and case manager to collaborate on patient status, hospitals can decrease observation rate, reduce observation hours, and minimize costs associated with incorrect status.

Download the infographic to compare the typical hospital workflow with the TigerConnect workflow for Observation.