Pumping New Life into Healthcare Information: The 21st Century Cures Act Drives Unlocks the Power of Data

Published in Electronic Health Reporter, February 10, 2023

Information is the healthcare industry’s core, from paper to digital record keeping. In the 21st century, providers need unrestricted access to holistic data to streamline record-keeping, reduce costs, and better collaborate to advance patient care.

When roadblocks to information are present, it can create unnecessary challenges for hospitals and treatment teams to do their jobs. This is why many are asking the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for additional clarity on new federal information blocking regulations set in motion in October.

While there are many unanswered questions regarding the recently updated 21st Century Cures Act, it also brings about new opportunities for patients and providers. Understanding these expanded regulations’ full impact is essential to build integrated electronic information sharing strategies and prepare for future regulations.

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