Key Takeaways From Our First Virtual Event

In October, we hosted our first annual, fully virtual event, TigerSummit. We are proud to say TigerSummit was a great success; we are deeply grateful for our team’s hard work and our dedicated client participation!

With over 400 registered attendees and 21 speakers, TigerSummit provided a wealth of valuable information for not only our clients but also the entire TigerConnect team.

Through TigerSummit’s engaging learning sessions, we gained a firsthand look at the challenges that plague healthcare’s progression, technological advancement, and care delivery. We also learned a number of ways to move toward improvement in these areas.

As such, we wanted to share some insights coming out of a few of our favorite sessions. We hope they will demonstrate the thought leadership of our wonderful speakers and help you as you further develop your communication and collaboration strategy.

2020 patient eng survey report website image cta

Discover the Current State of Patient Engagement

Download and read the survey results from patients and clinical staff.

The Pain of ER Scheduling to a Seamless Digital Experience

Presented by Katherine DeSalvo, Director of Medical Staff Services, and Sandra Kalini, Ambulatory Informatics Project Manager, Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System

Across organizations, incorporating modern technology into the healthcare space is challenging. Starting that conversation means demonstrating the ways tech improvements provide better patient care. From manual, complex scheduling processes to gaining a streamlined, seamless digital experience, we learned how vendor evaluation, product implementation, and new results were achieved.

  • Start by building trust and establishing the value and worth of the proposed technology. Finding that balance between new and valuable means setting a path toward configuring better workflows and efficiencies for the entire team. A new communication and collaboration solution will streamline care team routines while reducing stress and inefficiencies.
  • Not only should a new communication solution be valuable, but it should also be easy to use, especially for beginners. Ease of use in technology and low barriers to entry lead to higher adoption and more use case examples. Care teams will discover better communication methods, workflows, and tangible situations where having a dynamic solution came through for them.
  • Defining problems that must be solved with a new communication solution will further simplify the upgrade process. Enhanced and streamlined communication is beneficial because patient care is complex. It’s crucial for systems to be synced across facilities, accessible for instant data, and transparent about new treatment plans or next steps.

Continued Care Through a Pandemic: Telehealth’s Impact on Treating Mental Health During COVID-19

Presented by Denise Ambre, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Psychoanalyst, Ambre Associates, LLC

The benefits of telehealth work for both sides of the patient-provider relationship. Originally implemented for patient communication, the team at Ambre Associates has found that using TigerConnect is beneficial for collaborating, sending referrals, and clarifying information without relying on less secure communication methods.

The main benefits experienced by the team at Ambre Associates include:

  • Peace of mind: Implementing a successful telehealth solution achieves HIPAA compliance instantly and takes the guesswork out of sharing private, confidential patient information. This ease and reassurance made it simpler than previous solutions to adopt.
  • Better communication: Through TigerConnect’s telehealth communication and collaboration tools, Ambre Associates found it easier to communicate with patients as well as the rest of the team. The right virtual care provided a seamless way to speak about personal data quickly and effectively.
  • Stronger connection: Seamless functionality and telehealth capability connection made TigerConnect a huge win for Ambre Associates. They are continuing to discover new use cases where they hadn’t considered before.
  • Great support: TigerConnect offers around-the-clock, responsive support in real-time, proving to be a timely life-saver for the team, especially when a patient’s health is on the line.

Integrated Scheduling to Optimize Care Team Collaboration

Presented by Justin Wampach, VP, Scheduling Division, TigerConnect

Coordinating on-call physician schedules is a complex process that relies heavily on good communication. In a hospital, inaccurate physician on-call information affects everyone. Creating, updating, and communicating on-call physician schedules are among the largest time sinks in modern healthcare.

One of the largest culprits of schedule inaccuracy involves changes and swaps to the schedule that are not properly documented and communicated. Implementing an enterprise-wide, physician call scheduling software like TigerConnect Physician Scheduling throughout the organization standardizes this process so that all changes are captured and appropriate parties are notified in real-time.

  • Paired with the rich messaging capabilities of TigerConnect, TigerConnect Physician Scheduling enables you to instantly communicate scheduling changes, coordinate time-off requests, and see future shift assignments on one, integrated, mobile-friendly platform.
  • Rule-based, automated scheduling allows each provider and assignment to have a unique set of rules. Once configured, an automated system can regularly generate fair and evenly distributed on-call schedules in seconds.
  • Provider day-off and vacation request systems allow providers to electronically submit time-off and vacation requests from their phones and will organize and systematize the process of time-off for both physicians and schedulers.

Closing TigerSummit Key-Takeaways

Of all the insightful presentations and noteworthy speakers, a few primary and common themes through many of the sessions demonstrate the following key takeaways.

  • Efficient scheduling remains to be one of the utmost important features of any communication and collaboration solution.
  • Telehealth is set to grow and expand, even after the current pandemic has subsided, for organizations both large and small.
  • As more health organizations are opting for newer tech to deliver better care, advancing healthcare technology should be more than just an option.
  • Cloud-based solutions continue to prove to be more cost-effective, efficient, reliable, and easier than on-premise, EHR-based communication solutions.

We would like to thank all of our clients who attended and participated in the success of TigerSummit 2020! We are greatly looking forward to our next client event, be it online or in-person, and as always, can’t wait to see you there.