Better Communication, Efficiency, and Patient Outcomes
Dr. Mary Asal, Pediatric Emergency Fellow at the University of Oklahoma Children’s Hospital, discusses how technology and communication improve connected care.

August 12th, 2020 – EP 2 With Dr. Mary Asal, Pediatric Emergency Fellow at the University of Oklahoma Children’s Hospital
Our host, Regan Wynne, interviews Dr. Mary Asal, Pediatric Emergency Fellow at the University of Oklahoma Children’s Hospital, to gain insight through a firsthand deep-dive into connected care and the advancements in technology and communication that support it.
Thank you for listening to this episode of The Connected Care Team. To learn more about care team collaboration solutions, please visit us at tigerconnect.com and be sure to follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook so you can stay connected to the latest episodes, news, and announcements. To learn more about Dr. Asal’s study referenced in the podcast, please visit: https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/142/1_MeetingAbstract/15.
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