
7 Ways CC&C Keeps Care Flowing During Outages and EHR Downtime

Learn how a clinical communication and collaboration solution keeps care teams connected during outages and EHR downtime.

7 Ways CC&C Keeps Care Flowing During Outages and EHR Downtime

Cyberattacks Are on the Rise. Is Your Organization Prepared?

Healthcare organizations need to be prepared to keep the lines of communication open during outages and EHR downtime. If clinicians don’t have a way to communicate during EHR downtime, patient safety will be at risk. Outages are also a risk to caregivers, as they are still liable for negative outcomes that occur during system failures.

Download the infographic to learn how a clinical communication and collaboration (CC&C) solution keeps care teams connected in any situation.

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7 Ways CC&C Keeps Care Flowing During Outages and EHR Downtime Infographic

Download the infographic to learn how a clinical communication and collaboration (CC&C) solution keeps care teams connected in any situation, even during EHR downtime.