
5 Strategies to Combat Alarm Fatigue with TigerConnect 

Discover how your organization can use TigerConnect to rescue caregivers from burnout.

5 Strategies to Combat Alarm Fatigue

Discover How to Eliminate Noise Pollution and Pay Attention to the Most Important Duties 

Unfortunately, alarm fatigue is a common issue for caregivers today. Clinicians frequently face sensory overload and desensitization to alarm sounds, which leads to missed warnings and a decrease in the level of care.  

TigerConnect Alarm Management & Event Notification is the solution to this serious issue. By switching to our secure texting solution, organizations can eliminate noise pollution – and finally pay attention and assign priority to the most important duties. Download this fresh, simple infographic to explore the top 5 ways your organization can use TigerConnect to rescue caregivers from alarm fatigue. 

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5 Strategies to Combat Alarm Fatigue with TigerConnect  Infographic

Discover how healthcare organizations can avoid noise pollution and burnout by switching to TigerConnect.