How to Speed Radiology Turnaround Time by 43%
See how to speed emergency department radiology turnaround time with TigerConnect ED workflow.
How to Speed Radiology Turnaround Time by 40 Minutes
Speed care coordination in the emergency room by using TigerConnect for emergency department radiology workflows.
In a typical hospital workflow, unless the provider regularly refreshes the EHR tracking board, it can take upwards of an hour for the provider to review radiology results and move on to treatment decisions. This delay in decision-making contributes to longer lengths of stay and slower ED throughput.
With TigerConnect, the ED provider is automatically notified of radiology study completion, so care decisions get made faster and patients spend less time in the emergency room.
How to Speed Radiology Turnaround Time by 43%
Download the infographic to compare a typical hospital workflow with the TigerConnect workflow for emergency department radiology.