
Uncovering Collaboration Waste: A New Framework for Thinking About Efficiency in Healthcare 

Learn how to reduce hospital costs and improve patient care by eliminating Collaboration Waste.

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Enhance Hospital Efficiency and Improve Financial Performance by Implementing a Dedicated CC&C Platform that Eliminates Collaboration Inefficiencies 

Many hospitals face significant financial challenges, with only about half managing to turn a profit. EMRs, while centralizing patient data, have not addressed the critical issue of effective communication and coordination among healthcare teams, leading to inefficiencies and higher operational costs. By identifying and reducing Collaboration Waste through the implementation of a comprehensive clinical communication and collaboration platform, hospitals can improve patient care, enhance staff satisfaction, and achieve financial stability. 

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Uncovering Collaboration Waste: A New Framework for Thinking About Efficiency in Healthcare 

Learn how hospitals can reduce costs and improve patient care by identifying and eliminating Collaboration Waste.